Let Us Hasten To Love
Welcome back to another post! This week we are going to discuss the many aspects of love and the dating process. Roberto Benigni, an Italian actor, comedian, screenwriter, and director once said, “We must hurry up. Let us hasten to love. We always love too little and too late. Let us hasten to love. Because at the sunset of life we will be judged on love. Because there is no wasted love.” Love is crucial to our well-being. All of us have a need for the love is found in romantic relationships. According to research on the brain, humans are hard-wired for love so that their well-being depends as much on love as it does on food, water, and air to breathe. But, what does it mean to love? What’s love? If we think, we use the same word to express our feelings for food, activities, possession, and people. The term love is illustrated by four ancient Greek words: storge is the kind of love found in the affection between parents and their children, philia is the kind of love that e...