Welcome back, everybody! This will be the last weekly blog post. We have come pretty far. Throughout these weeks, we have learned a lot about families and their role in communities. Today we will talk about divorce, and we will try to bust some myths. The first one is that most divorces result from “irreconcilable differences.” Neal Jacobsen and colleagues demonstrated that those marriages that were well on their way to dissolution had an average of 10 areas of significant incompatibility. This stood out in sharp contrast to those who report having high levels of marital satisfaction; they reported—on average—ten areas of significant incompatibility. The second is that 50% of all American marriages end in divorce. The number is actually much smaller. The authors of an entire book dedicated to the topic of collecting and analyzing American divorce stats claim it is less than 25% for couples married in the last decade. Another common is that if a spouse will ever have an affair, him/she ...